Saturday, August 20, 2011

alone but not lonely

here i sit on a saturday night
alone in my shell
my love is away
we've been through this so many times
it never gets easier
but i feel different than before
content to be alone
not needing to distract
wanting to be present
feeling my heart
it is so full
overflowing with a pull
i can't explain
there is some pain
but it is okay 
to let the tears flow
because i know 
i am loved
we've grown so much
i am full of gratitude 
thinking of all we have together
God is so good
we are living our dream
sometimes it's a nightmare
but we have the strength
to survive it all
even when we are apart
good night my love
i miss you 

1 comment:

  1. You are my love, soulmate and best friend. We transcended our loving hearts to three precious jewels who are all shining so very bright. There have been numerous hurdles which we've risen above, but now seems a mountain with a challenging climb. I miss you so very much beyond any metaphor in the world, and can only share that I wish to reach the summit with you over the rest of my life.
