Sunday, January 23, 2011

the dance between darkness and light

getting clearer
ready to stop numbing
my heart is pumping 
in sync with the music
that is flowing 
my life is so busy 
too many choices and distractions
pulling at my heart strings
making my brain feel heavy
nervous to make a wrong move
what if i fuck it all up
what if my kids are getting screwed up
am i too selfish to want my own space
why do i just want to pull the covers over my head
and hide?

just breathe in through my mouth
and exhale out the worry
sometimes i wish i was a kid again
no real concrete choices yet
that lock you into a smaller box
only dreams of what might be
free to travel the world
no commitments 
no demands on my time
no need for rose colored glasses

it feels like those days are coming to an end
so many responsibilities 
financial strains and restrictions
snuff out my fire
withholding me from exploring my passions
am i normal to feel this way?
depression follows me like a black shadow
I have so much to be grateful for 
the guilt that i feel right now for even thinking 
these thoughts of lack just make me feel lonelier
marriage is a struggle
as comforting as it can be to have a partner
it's also a challenge to keep it fresh

we've been through so much together
shared tears of joy, raging fights, laughs so hard we've cried
i guess this is just the ebb and flow of life
when one door closes another one opens
i've experienced this many times
as horrible as i can feel one day,
the next day i want to bottle my elation 
to remember to hold on tightly 
when i feel as i do today
alone and lost

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

a resolution

i get it
just let it 
you can say no
if you dont like
the way something makes you feel
there is a way to stay real
you may be scared 
to be alone
but its better
to feel proud 
of who you are
than to fill your time with annoying chatter
Gossip is poison
giving those who spread it 
a distraction from their own inadequacies
it's like a drug that they have to keep taking
for fear of facing themselves
to realize, like their victim
they too are sinners
nobody is perfect
we all falter
from time to time
but to admit it and stand in it
you will learn and grow
which is the reason we are all here
on this planet 
to work through our weaknesses
and break the patterns
that have been woven by our ancestors
through the centuries prior
so let this new year teach you 
slow down and look inside
what are you trying to hide?
you are not alone
we are all one people 
facing our fears 
so find your sunshine in your soul 
and radiate your warmth 
to a stranger 
you are a gift that god created
and you must share your love
to all