Friday, November 30, 2012

breaking my addiction

breaking my addiction to caretaking and fixing
no more playing God
holding space for people to feel their feelings
no need to change them

developing a new me
recovering new pathways from my head to my heart
no longer willing to play the victim
awakening to consciousness
moving from blame to gratitude

finding my highest vibration
stemming from love
loving and accepting myself
nurturing me

shedding the anger and frustration
allowing forgiveness 
to illuminate the shadows 
of judgement and doubt

Monday, November 26, 2012

from child to woman

a healing has occurred
i am finally  in my body
no longer afraid to stand tall
or wanting to fade into the woodwork

i was over sheltered and practically disabled 
as a child by my mother and grandmother 
growing up in a bubble not believing that 
i was capable of surviving on my own

the shock of jumping into the disfunctional
dangerous world of modeling at the ripe old age of 16                                                                                                  was like throwing an ice cube in boiling water
unable to cope with the armour needed to protect
myself from the unloving environment in which I was exposed to 
the rejection that i endured through my career
left wounds that scarred me 
my inner child never had a chance
to grow up

on the inside, the little girl was lost
and the grown up woman
that i became
didn't know how to be
there was a disconnect
my heart wanted  desperately
to remain sheltered
not fully ready to be an adult
i didn't believe that i could 
do all that i desired

now nearly 3 times the age of 16
i am finally growing up 
ready to be the woman that i am supposed to be
i am taking ownership of my life
empowering myself 
loving myself 
forgiving my past 
learning that all of the pain 
was a part of my process
to connect to my divine purpose
all of my seeming failures
are what make me unique
there is only one of me and it is essential
to learn from my past and to share 
with the world 
my wisdom

the beginning

I am in the first trimester of my own birth.
A rebirth of my soul
feeling mix of elation and nausea
fear visits me at night when the darkness creeps in 
and I am alone
The doubts and judgements arise
Why am i doing this?
Why wasn't my old life enough?
I seemed to have it all
the family, security, beautiful house
blossoming career, a man that loves me
But still I felt there was a missing link
I was drowning in my life
my boundaries were indiscernible
my heart was being crushed by the weight of the world
something was calling me to wake up.......
I needed to go away and separate from the old life
strip away the layers and be vulnerable
Somewhere along the way I lost myself
I gave away my power and forgot my core essence
I was so busy caretaking and tending to everyone else's needs
that I allowed my own needs to be ignored

This opportunity for rebirth is awakening my truth
I ask myself who am I?
Where do I want to go?  
What gifts do I possess that I need to share with others?
I am finally allowing myself to be the dreamer of my dreams
We all deserve this opportunity
It is essential for every human in order to attain 
self fulfillment and connection with their highest self
Stop the merry go round of guilt and shoulds
and begin the journey back to the divine 
where love is the only thing that matters
Love is the driving force that will heal all wounds
Bringing peace which begins within each and every one 
and through attaining self joy 
we will radiate outwards and share our unique gifts 
inevitably changing the world for the better

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


21 years ago
i met you
our conversation about you almost losing your 
your dad to a heart attack 
 was the catalyst for our hand holding
turning that corner in pasadena on our way to the movie
that would change our lives forever
the deep connection we shared about our deepest loves
your father grandmother

i lost my grandmother on our wedding day
the beginning of our journey together
she reminded you of the unimportance of perfection
our wedding was in january at the train station 
freezing we had to bring all the comforts in 
you were obsessesed with making it all just so
realizing you had to finally let it go
the details didn't matter
what was important shifted
the iron curtain lifted
we were free to be
and celebrate the fragility of life
one great life exiting 
while two new beautiful lives were merging
the ultimate lesson in letting go

21 years later finally saying goodbye
to your father
with family and friends
my memories of Marty
are all good
he was fair 
a true gentleman
to the end
i feel honored to have been able
to call him grandpa
silver eagle
the omelette maker
cookie monster
lovable man who always accepted me
and made me feel like i was special
through thick and thin

Sunday, July 22, 2012


you are the flame that burns at my edge of infinity

you are the silence that surrounds my mindless chatter

you are the laughter in the midst of my sadness

you are the power that generates through my weakness

you are the food that satiates my hunger

you are the beauty that emerges from my ugliness

you are the hope that burns through my doubts

you are the dream that snuffs out my nightmare

you are the heat that melts my frozen existence

you are the courage that propels me beyond my wildest dreams

you are the truth that keeps me honest in my heart

you are the inspiration that drives me to create

you are the forgiveness that accepts me when I'm wrong

you are the means to my end

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Crimson shades of love
radiating around my body
sweet melancholy
courses through my bloodstream
crystal light blinds my vision
enlightening my burdened soul
from its misery
the loneliness 
I have endured 
into the finest powder
which is blown away
by the scorching wind

the missing piece

Seeds of intention
are lovingly sown
the happiness they bring
is still unknown
faithfully watering
my wishes with love
will hopefully
awaken the gods from above
to manifest the dreams 
which torment my soul
of longing for a 
missing piece that was
lost along the way

Monday, January 2, 2012

no more repairs......

finally it's broken down
no more repairs
patches cant fix the problems
a complete and total surrender is required
it all has to fall apart
no more repairs
let the layers shed away
leaving exposed an open wound
it needs oxygen
to start the blood flow
there is always an opportunity for healing
but our minds get in the way
egos suffocate the truth
pretending to know all
posing as heros
while inside you're rotting
letting each moment slip away into disillusionment
it seems easier to believe your lies
than to face your truth
on the outside it looks perfect
you are the master of disguise
able to hide from your demons
but only for a while
before the deep hole in which you are filling
grows larger and larger 
until the shell cracks
and you can no longer deny
the pain