Monday, February 7, 2011

Perfection Rejection

i'm feeling like a spectator
watching my life on a movie screen

wishing that the main character
would finally open up 
and make a difference
reach out and say i love you
open up the wounds
and show her flaws
 finally revealing the authentic
beauty that resides within
hiding for fear of criticism 
or even worse, failure

why do i feel like i can't make a mistake?
where did this feeling of perfection come from?
who expected this from me that created this paralyzing judgement?
when did it start? how did i learn this?
was i born with this affliction?

today i vow to be honest
take a risk and open up myself
to the world hoping that by sharing 
my fears and worries
that i might touch someone else's 
heart and soul 
encouraging them to try,
dream, love, hope, heal

i end the legacy of pain and suffering in solitude
i'm far from perfection
every day i fail at something 
but the world doesn't stop 
i'm still breathing 
with the opportunity 
to try again and hopefully get to where i need to go
and along the way i will have helped a few others 
to be true to themselves and encourage them 
to find the beauty and uniqueness
that makes them shine

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