Thursday, April 24, 2014


accepting that she had no control was not defeat
in fact it was freeing
for so long she tried to make it all look 
presentable and perfect
there was always a laundry list of things that needed 
to be attended to
and if she could cross them all off by the weeks end
she would feel accomplished
but after a while  
she stopped feeling fulfilled
it never felt like she could attain the hapiness 
eventually the work became greater and more arduous 
the stakes became higher and higher
until one day she just snapped
she couldn't keep the plates spinning anymore
the contorting herself inside and out could no longer
support the cause
so she finally let go
of the insane dance 
and stopped fighting against the flow
she ceased trying to control the outcome
little by little she cleared her plate
of the things in her life that were superfluous 
she let go of the vampires who were sucking her energy
she started to breathe again 
which fueled her inner pilot light
she asked herself 
what makes my heart sing?
where is my passion?
through this life audit she was able to 
uncover her truth 
and discover where she had lost her way
a phoenix occured 
forcing everything to die 
in order for the new to grow
by evaluating  her life she was able 
to plant new seeds of intention
to more closely align with her life's purpose

sowing your passion

sometimes we plant seeds half heartedly 
knowing that there is something more 
calling us
but we can't put our finger on it
so we go along sowing 
the ones that seemingly will produce
the guaranteed harvest

funny when the crops 
fail to produce the ripe and hearty bounty
that we expect to reap

deep inside our soul 
after much analysis
we come to the conclusion
that it's impossible to grow
anything that doesn't have 
your 100% belief behind it
guaranteed or not 

thus learning that taking the risk
to go for the lesser known crop
but with all of your passion to nurture it
you will most likely yeild your reward 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

the journey

if you look at her life
you can see patterns
it's not one long marathon 
to the finish line
there are many small sprints
on various terains
sometimes it's raining and cold
leaving her drenched and frozen
other times she is running 
through the hot sand 
getting sunburned 
dreaming of an icy glass of lemonade
ready to plunge into the depths of the ocean
while other times she has the warm winds behind her 
and it all seems effortless
although these sprints are vastly different
they share a common thread
the journey
not the destination
it's never really about where she is going
it's how she gets there
did she survive?
or did she give up?
it doesn't matter what she looks like 
or where she ends up
it's all about the endless journey
that she continues to take
and how commited she is 
to staying in the game of life

your soul knows your remedy

you aren't meant to get it
just trust 
that there is something 
much more powerful
directing your life
yes i hear the calls
i see the signs
but its easier to stay
in the same 
safe zone
until that starts 
feeling like the 
free fall
the prison sentence
its funny how 
you can't escape 
what you are meant to do
stop listening to everyone 
elses approach to your life
you are the only healer
that can tune into 
your own life

Thursday, April 17, 2014

moon dance

my moods shift with the everchanging phases of the moon
like a mirror that reflects my inner feelings revealingmy true self
like a puppeteer pulling strings of my emotions
waxing and waning with the ocean's tides
i feel captive to the higher power of mother nature

surrendering to la luna, the grande dame of this dance
i am able to flow more easily 
with less friction and disappointment
allowing and accepting that this is our universal clock
which when in alignment with her waxing and waning,
i am able to manifest to my truest potential
being more compassionate 
letting myself be guided to flow with the continuous rhythm
which beats like a drum
sometimes it's so soft I cannot hear anything
then it sounds like a whisper
which becomes a strong voice 
that develops into a loud song
which cannont be ignored

Here lies within the sacred gifts of the constant
changing phases of the moon
like clockwork
from the early phases of the new moon 
designs emerge
ideas are uncovered
seeds of intention are planted
then we nurture these ideas and dreams
as the moon grows larger, 
shining more brightly on our ideas
allowing them to come to the full
moon potential of manifestation

and so this is the beautiful dance of the moon 
which is constantly inviting us 
to syncronize with her rhythm
aligning ourselves with the divine goddess

the fog lay there like a blanket of despair
which end is up?
I can't see through the layers of confusion
what does my heart desire?
Im scared
I am at a crossroads
where does my heart want to lead me ?
One road is the logical choice, 
the way to supporting my family
paying the bills; the conventional, traditional way
A part of me feels like it dies when I go forward on that path
it doesn't feel like my soul's purpose
there isn't as much time anymore to waste
I am being pulled to a higher calling 
which is risky and unplotted
seemingly foolish to the outside world
am I a dreamer? or am I finally being true to my self
and honoring my truth?
selfish I may seem, a fool to others 
but to take the safe road is too confined
I feel stuck and rigid
my breath leaves me and fear sets in
the seemingly safer choice 
becomes a form of death sentence
leaving the less known risky road 
                                                                                                                                    the path to freedom and enlightenment        

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Being your guide 
has been an honor
and a challenge

from the moment you came from me
there was a story
not mine
but yours

this is the sobering realization of mothering
it's not about me and my projections
of how I see it all unfolding

I am only a conduit
which brought you 
to human form

yes we look alike
dna has a certain inevitable role to play
and yes I identify with your soul
and your struggles
sensitivity is on the highest decibel
in our wiring

we feel the energy
around us like sponges in an ocean
or moths to a flame

but this is where 
our similarities end 
where I am me
and you are 
uniquely you

this realization of separatness 
is an awesome opportunity 
for growth
to bring me closer to my soul's truth 
and you to yours

we teach one another
through our experiences
when I let go and allow
your truth to unfold
releasing my attachments 
to the outcome
there remains a space
for freedom

sometimes you will take 
the path that seems 
illogical to me

I project my own fears 
onto you and your outcome
my ego takes over and 
tries to convince you 
to take the clearer path
the one with the cozy bed
for you to rest your body on
and the comfortable journey
without the heartache
and the lonely nights

but when I revisit my own choices 
and the many bumpy roads that 
I chose to take
I realize that the lonely times
and awkward moments, 
broken dreams and heartaches
were exactly perfect 
for my illumination

I was the only designer of my life 
that could make the choices to become the 
highest self I could be

with this awareness of my own journey
I am able to find it in my 
heart and soul
to trust
and let go of the reigns of your life

enabling you to
blaze the trails
to your beautiful

Remaining Open

Even in the darkness of fear
remain open
trust that the light of day will 
once again shine on your soul
when someone offends you 
try not to close yourself off
from the lesson
don't let your ego 
convince you that 
its better to be in isolation
stay soft, vulnerable 
allow the pain to hurt 
face your fears 
and when you do 
they will pass 
and the warmth of your open heart
will melt away the pain