Wednesday, May 28, 2014

good bye judge

sitting here
wondering whether 
i'm doing this right
why am i judging myself?
there is no right or wrong
ego needs to shut up
my soul is driving this body
i'm listening to my heart
it's gentler and feels better
i relax when i let go of the fear
and allow my ego to fade into the background
the shadows lift 
and the light shines through my soul
piercing my cold heart
with a new flush of hot blood
waking up my aching bones
lubricating my body
to flex and twist
going where the wind takes me
pulling my hand and leading me 
to a miraculous place of peace within

you are where you need to be

This place where you are right now,

God circled on a map for you.” 
― حافظ

you are where you are 
for a reason

God has placed 
all of the people in your life
to mirror your soul
in order to draw out 

what is within

you can't press the hold button 
and hideout

there's no playing small
forgetting what you are here for

our only work here
is to be our whole selves

don't check out
numb up 
dumb down
letting fear drive you

be still 
wake up 
the magnificence 
of yourself

be alone 
follow your heart
do the seemingly strange 
unexplainable things

it doesn't matter 
or have to make sense
to anyone

God has gifted you
with the blessings of 
your uniqueness

the only failure 
that can ever be
is if you fail to 
follow your dreams

honoring your soul's purpose

practicing mindfulness aids in staying in the moment
leaving the past where it belongs
behind us
and the future to unfold naturally as it will
we have no control 
and if we let go 
and detach ourselves from the outcome
we save ourselves much unessessary pain

it's important to have goals and aspirations
to plant our seeds of intention 
but then let God and the universe take over

the old aggressive ways of setting goals
and forcing them to manifest 
in a do or die fashion is killing us
we are better off planting our seeds 
and giving it to God to manifest 
if it is in alignment with our soul's purpose

the key to happiness is 
honoring our soul's purpose
the difficulty lies in actually 
loving ourselves enough 
to unravel and get naked
to see ourselves through our own eyes
not anyone else's view of who they think we are 
or what they think we should do

it's being brave enough to stop
and just be for a while
to feel again our authentic selves
perfect souls with distinctive gifts
that when used to their peak potential
are the missing piece to the puzzle of the world
that is our first and foremost responsibility to God/ourselves and mankind

in order to be kind(love) to others we must be kind (love) ourselves
the most impact we can have on our world is to practice loving kindness
to ourselves and subsequently others
through this behavior we will find our God given gifts 
and go forth in the world and practice them

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Pondering life's mysteries was an activity that Brigid did often.  Her life seemed to be led by some divine power which she could not explain.  She was not a religious woman yet she knew there was a higher power at work weaving together a tapestry of syncronistic miracles. Which upon reflection Brigid realized the divine orchestration of her life. This realization comforted her with a deep sense of trust in the seeming chaos of her life.  Brigid knew that although her daily disappointments and seeming losses were opportunities for her to grow and become more aware of her responsibilities, there was a benevolent intelligence pulling the strings leading her to a greater purpose.  In order for Brigid to truly fulfill her dharma, she was forced to surrender her fears and choose love wherever she went.  There was no room for judgements or attachments to her outcome.  she simply had to let go and let God lead the journey.  Trusting that as long as her intentions were towards the greater good of all, they would become.  

Like a universal heart, Brigid realized that we are all one.  Our impersonal selves all want the same thing in this life; to be understood and loved.  It didn't matter what she did or how successful she was, or what people thought of her.  The truth was finally becoming clear to her that the peripheral accoutrements, possessions, children, husband, house, friends, clothing , car, job.....were irrelevant.
For the first time in a long time, if ever, Brigid felt a sense of true self worth that she was enough.  
And if she continued to follow her heart and allowed herself to be guided by love, she could discover the serenity, balance, peace and love that she spent so many years chasing.  This new found freedom posed a question for Brigid.  "What might I co create?"  Allowing the divine to drive the vehicle and remaining open to the wonders of the endless possibilities opened an amusement park full of magic and miracles beyond her wildest dreams.  "Watch out world!"

Waking up

sitting on a bench overlooking the sea
wondering where I am going
there is a wrestlessness 
inside of me that keeps pulling at me 
to make something happen
Where I am right now in my life
couldn't be all that it's about
there must be a higher purpose
with a deeper meaning 
i find it increasingly difficult
to continue the almost robotic existence
of the day to day rituals
some days i wake up and the littlest things inspire me
from driving down a country road 
witnessing the sea of wildflowers
to the mystery of a boulder plunked down 
perfectly in the center of an old stone entry gate
music uplifts me and takes me away to a higher plane
seeming to erase any worries or anxiety i may be experiencing
noticing the beauty in nature calms my soul
allowing me to let go of the worries of lack
or what my purpose is
am i doing enough?
am i qualified enough?
am i worth it?
who am i?
why am i here?
what's all of this stuff about anyway?
the more i meditate on it 
i realize it's really all just and illusion
this game of judgements of right and wrong
there is no perfect answer
it's all about choices
and the outcome is out of our control
detatch from our attachments to things,
people, friends, children, husbands, wives, family
and allow them all to be
without judgement
and by letting go 
we can experience
great joy and relief
that it isn't our job 
to make it all perfect
as we wish it to be

Friday, May 9, 2014

the goddess of beltane

the sun sinks into crimson 
burning her aching heart
like a Rothko painting 
the ombre bleeds
down to her soul
which is yearning 
for meaning and purpose
but deeper still

is she a fool to think
that it's possible to have
passion in her life?

When she was a fair 
maiden celebrating Beltane
she moved like fire dancers
to the beating of her own heart
she flowed instinctually
never questioning herself
never doubting 
she trusted in mother earth's 
lavish bounty
never fearing the end or loss
there seemed to be an endless 
supply of love, passion 

but the darker days of winter 
had derailed her innocence and naiveté
she no longer felt the fire burning within
she lost her way 

as she uncloaked her heavy armor
out of sheer necessity 
because it had proven 
to be impossible to bear
she surrendered her attachments
to her outcome
and this freed her 
to see the beauty that had never left her
she was only asleep
not dead
the depths of the ocean beat at her soul
wave after wave 
renewing her spirit
giving vision to the wild
magical terrain of her beautiful life

the universe drums the rhythm
back into her soul
and she is  born again
ready to take flight