Thursday, May 15, 2014

Waking up

sitting on a bench overlooking the sea
wondering where I am going
there is a wrestlessness 
inside of me that keeps pulling at me 
to make something happen
Where I am right now in my life
couldn't be all that it's about
there must be a higher purpose
with a deeper meaning 
i find it increasingly difficult
to continue the almost robotic existence
of the day to day rituals
some days i wake up and the littlest things inspire me
from driving down a country road 
witnessing the sea of wildflowers
to the mystery of a boulder plunked down 
perfectly in the center of an old stone entry gate
music uplifts me and takes me away to a higher plane
seeming to erase any worries or anxiety i may be experiencing
noticing the beauty in nature calms my soul
allowing me to let go of the worries of lack
or what my purpose is
am i doing enough?
am i qualified enough?
am i worth it?
who am i?
why am i here?
what's all of this stuff about anyway?
the more i meditate on it 
i realize it's really all just and illusion
this game of judgements of right and wrong
there is no perfect answer
it's all about choices
and the outcome is out of our control
detatch from our attachments to things,
people, friends, children, husbands, wives, family
and allow them all to be
without judgement
and by letting go 
we can experience
great joy and relief
that it isn't our job 
to make it all perfect
as we wish it to be

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