I am in the first trimester of my own birth.
A rebirth of my soul
feeling mix of elation and nausea
fear visits me at night when the darkness creeps in
and I am alone
The doubts and judgements arise
Why am i doing this?
Why wasn't my old life enough?
I seemed to have it all
the family, security, beautiful house
blossoming career, a man that loves me
But still I felt there was a missing link
I was drowning in my life
my boundaries were indiscernible
my heart was being crushed by the weight of the world
something was calling me to wake up.......
I needed to go away and separate from the old life
strip away the layers and be vulnerable
Somewhere along the way I lost myself
I gave away my power and forgot my core essence
I was so busy caretaking and tending to everyone else's needs
that I allowed my own needs to be ignored
This opportunity for rebirth is awakening my truth
I ask myself who am I?
Where do I want to go?
What gifts do I possess that I need to share with others?
I am finally allowing myself to be the dreamer of my dreams
We all deserve this opportunity
It is essential for every human in order to attain
self fulfillment and connection with their highest self
Stop the merry go round of guilt and shoulds
and begin the journey back to the divine
where love is the only thing that matters
Love is the driving force that will heal all wounds
Bringing peace which begins within each and every one
and through attaining self joy
we will radiate outwards and share our unique gifts
inevitably changing the world for the better