Sunday, December 11, 2011

lost my way

i lost my way
forgot to trust and listen to my voices
too many choices

people to please
feel drained
giving in to others desires
disregarding my own
sometimes the fight doesn't seem worth it
so i concede 

i lost my way
forgot to trust and listen to my voices
too many choices

easier to say yes than to disappoint
at first it seems to work
they are so happy 
but later i am full of regret and resentment
angry at myself for giving in
when i knew my heart wasn't in it

i lost my way
forgot to trust and listen to my voices
too many choices

and so life goes on
lessons are learned 
i am human
i will get back on that train to my inner knowingness
and remember next time to follow my heart
not sacrifice my own happiness 
to make others happy

i lost my way
forgot to trust and listen to my voices
too many choices

Friday, December 2, 2011

open secret

working through my barriers
feeling the pain that tries to hold me down
accepting the discomfort
trusting the impermanence
knowing there are frontiers that i haven't yet seen
wondering where they will take me
visualizing love and ease
laughter and tears
my heart expands to encompass my enemies
we are all one
holding an open secret of inadequacies
trying to protect our egos from being busted
risking the truth 
exposing my belly
to the world of judgement 
letting go of the fear 
releasing the need to protect
accepting the awkwardness
changing and metamorphosing 
into a free soul
ready to explore 
the unknown territory 
which lies ahead

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sophie Isadora

sophie isadora haber
our first born
the pioneer trailblazer
indigo girl
dancing to your own beat
full of thoughts
wise beyond your years
fiercely protective of your heart
you walk with the wolves
and dance with the stars
you swim with the dolphins
and dream with the gypsies
your soul has lived a million years 
inspiring us with your eyes
that capture truth 
you are sixteen today
on the precipice of being a woman
here i sit in awe of your past 
and in wonderment of your future
god bless you always

Saturday, October 8, 2011


she was born in the evening
after a day of shopping at Tiffany's 
eating at Barney's Green Grass
on a warm October day
in California
9lbs 2 oz
she was pink 
and cherubic
followed her sister
into this world
we thought about 
having her
and there she was
ready to rock n roll
make her mark
no hesitation
pure participation
no inhibitions
complete joy
trust in her parents
and the universe
Middle child
became a big sister
to her little brother
who is the mother?
problem solver
truth seeker
dances to her own drum
doesn't follow anyone
always sunny
free spirit
path maker
peace keeper
thank you 
for teaching me
how to be
allowing me 
to make mistakes
catching me when i fail
to be the mom that u need
you have forgiven me 
helped me to let go 
of my perfectionistic behavior
pushing me out of my comfort zone
into a new way of being
carefree, playful and free
your future looks bright
who will you be?
a teacher, a dancer, a mother, a CEO?
i don't know 
we'll have to wait and see
that is a mystery
but i do know you will make history 
and this world is a better place 
because you are here 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

peace is possible

floating along
a lone leaf
twirling in slow motion
shimmering in the sunlight
to travel to faraway lands
unbound by time
a voyeur
landing for a short time
until it is lifted and carried away
to another destination
keeping with it
a story to tell
a secret to share
a message of peace
that is possible
if we could be flexible
and detached from the outcome
trusting in the universal message 
that we are all one
our differences are planned
an integral part of the plan
of undefinable beauty
endless species 
no two are alike
that is the magic
and the key 
to understanding 
gods message
of acceptance
and love
even through pain
anger and defeat
we have a choice
to learn the lesson
and see our journey
forgiving ourselves
and others
knowing that the human
experience is an exercise
of patience, forgiveness, love
humility, compassion, acceptance
if we could all lose the ego
peace will prevail

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

seeds of change

i'm holding the tiniest seeds in my hand
visualizing growth and beauty
trusting that the soil is rich enough
trying to plant them far enough apart 
not too deep but protected 
patience is paramount
there is no guarantee of fulfillment
just the day to day devotion
nurturing with water and sunshine
dutifully attentive
a day at a time
with the hopes of some day 
a harvest

Friday, September 23, 2011


my skin has shed
the shell is gone
nowhere to hide
pores wide open
to feel
the beauty
the fear
the sadness
the loneliness
the inadequacies
the awkwardness
accepting who i am
nurturing my weaknesses
exposing myself to the unknown
hoping to cross the boundaries
from safety to ecstasy
trusting the plan
being the student
who in turn
will someday

Sunday, September 11, 2011

the glass is half empty

its a gray day
the sun is hidden
my head is splitting open
my heart is so lonely
the tears could flood the desert
where is my god
my lover's fear has bullied me
reminding me i am alone
trapped by others feelings
dependent upon their happiness
unable to connect to my own
the boundaries are indiscernible
who am i? 
what will make me satisfied?
they tell me nothing will bring me peace
i have to find it within
some days are easy
it all flows
my children win their battles
the sun shines
my lover laughs and holds me
i believe the world is my oyster
there are endless possibilities 
calling my name
inspiring me to pursue the 
seemingly impossible
i radiate love and compassion
not so for today
i feel defeated
out of control
want to pull up the covers and hide
let someone else do it all
give up my worries 
be an innocent child again
with my blank palette
ready to paint my destiny
with rainbow light
deep blue oceans
shimmering stars 
jumping fish
swaying trees
overgrown gardens
warm breezes
visualizing peace
when the glass is overflowing

Saturday, August 20, 2011

alone but not lonely

here i sit on a saturday night
alone in my shell
my love is away
we've been through this so many times
it never gets easier
but i feel different than before
content to be alone
not needing to distract
wanting to be present
feeling my heart
it is so full
overflowing with a pull
i can't explain
there is some pain
but it is okay 
to let the tears flow
because i know 
i am loved
we've grown so much
i am full of gratitude 
thinking of all we have together
God is so good
we are living our dream
sometimes it's a nightmare
but we have the strength
to survive it all
even when we are apart
good night my love
i miss you 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


finding the calm within the storm
going slowly into the deep
craving the quiet
yearning for cool darkness
facing my fears
embracing my weakness
loving my flaws
tuning out the noise
inhaling love
exhaling insecurity
choosing my peace
amidst the chaos
blurring my vision
out of focus
nothing makes sense
laughing so hard
i can't cry
smiling softens my heart
accepting age
surrendering myself
letting go of control
trusting God's plan
listening to my heart
flowing with the vibration
of the musical melodies
singing praises
thankful for the beauty
that surrounds me
loving mother nature
it is the only sure thing
that we know
the sun, moon, stars, ocean
birds, trees
awakening to the brightest light
warming my soul

Thursday, June 30, 2011


born into family
instant friends
you fight and disagree 
but they are always there
you can't run away 
or switch off the light

growing up moving away 
from our family
choosing friends as our family
feeling good and safe
supported by like minded souls
or so you thought

the boundaries are fuzzy
and the tools that you learned
as a child to resolve conflict
are not the same as theirs
friends grew up differently
with their own families ways

having children of our own 
stir up the old feelings and provide
a new way to communicate
the old blurried limits dissolve
strong, clear boundaries appear:

friends love
friends forgive
friends admit when they are wrong
friends apologize
friends have compassion
friends keep secrets
friends make you laugh
friends are humble

I am growing up and realizing 
who my real friends are
the ones that stick around
when your boat is sinking 
throw you and oar
and jump in to help you navigate

thank you to my friends
some of you are new 
and some of you i have known forever
but all of you are appreciated 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

shaking it up

i've been turned upside down, shaken up and dropped
just before reaching the ground some angels swooped down and caught me
i feel like i died and have been through the worst
the other side is beautiful
the other side is clear and simple

i've been turned upside down, shaken up and dropped
just before crashing to my death i was saved
the angels reached out their arms and held me
the other side is beautiful
the other side is bright and full of hope

i've been turned upside down, shaken up and dropped

just before losing it all  my faith saved me
i trusted and believed in a better life
the other side is free
the other side is peaceful

thank you 
thank you 
thank you 
i am a new
i am a new
i am a new

Friday, February 11, 2011

anger leads to forgiveness

you stung me like a hornet
out of the blue
not warning
it paralyzed me
but quickly the venom spread 
to my heart
triggering my voice to rage
i became a wild animal
in fight or flight 
simultaneously choosing both
losing my grace
lowering myself to your level
filling my soul with regret
replaying the whole ugly episode
over and over again 
until i wanted to vomit
the dark knight of rage 
kidnapped me 
running so far away 
from my beautiful life
all i could see was your face
and how much i hurt
time passed 
and i kept running into you
unable to erase the past
impossible to move forward 
needing to find my way to forgiveness
god gave me many opportunities 
but i couldn't do it
until one day enough 
time had passed and my heart softened
your sting was a distant memory
and my soul needed to release your grief
i had to let you go 
get off of my pedestal and forgive
not that your actions were right
but it was time to move forward
and start anew
knowing our limits
respecting the boundaries 
i saw you walking towards me
in the blazing sunshine 
coming around the street corner
nothing to shield me
nowhere to hide
just me and you
face to face
two little girls

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Full Circle from super Woman to slacker Mom and I like it that way

the floodgates are open
no stopping the waters now
can't shut the door 
the light is blindingly bright
and the path is in front of me calling my name
who am i going to find along the way?
who will disappear?
will i lose the ones i used to hold so dear?
my friends are changing
i no longer need the group insurance
i am a free spirit that craves learning
and new discoveries
i feel like i know a secret 
and want to share it with everyone
i'm an open book
nothing to hide from
no shame or regrets
i've forgiven myself for any past embarrassments
loving myself through the pain
because all of the stories of my past 
are just that
they've carved me into a beautiful sculpture
full of wisdom, craving to share 
needing to help and inspire
there is a method to the madness
the pain and struggles we endure
are what make us the warriors that we need to be
this world is spinning faster and faster
the "advancements" we have made
have robbed our human souls of the nurturing that 
we require to be healthy functioning people
it's too easy to get caught up in the performances
and lose the practice
order the food instead of growing it
pay for the nannies to raise your children
instead of parenting
i am guilty of that 
i made these choices
i was scared to be their sole caretaker
what if i did it all wrong?
my husband travelled all the time
it was so lonely and daunting to raise 
three little ones on my own
with no extended family to help take the burden off of me 
this leads me to  finally forgiving myself for feeling inadequate
the way our world exists today is completely unnatural 
it takes a village to raise a family and just because i have a street called Coast Village Road
in my tiny town of 10 thousand people, doesn't mean that i really have a village to help me 
i find that although people say they can help you if you need, they too are so busy with their lives
and over scheduled families that they are incapable of coming to my last minute needs                     however sincere their offers were
instead of watching all the power moms who joined the PTA and make it to all the fundraisers in town
and feeling like the slacker mom who has something wrong with her because i can't "do it all"
i now realize that that is not natural and is unhealthy for myself and my family
we need to slow down and talk around our dinner table while eating a home cooked meal
this might sound old fashioned but i am coming full circle to the fact that someone has 
to ground us and slow us down to stop and smell the roses
be bored, so bored that you create something magical
maybe learn how to cook a dinner with your mom
set the table 
clean out your closets
shine your shoes
fix your broken things
snuggle with your dog
read a book
take a nap without feeling like there is something wrong with you
or just stare into space 
turn the radio on and just sing and dance
look like an absolute freak and be silly in front of your kids
they will laugh and love it!
thanks for reading
Peace and if you need anything, like a home cooked meal
or a hug
or a child to be cared for while you take a nap
i'm here