fully illuminated
exposed in all my glory
no shadows to seek shelter in
facing my soul's desires
feeling like a cat bathing in the warm sun
allowing the fiery rays to penetrate
and envelop my skin
feeling aroused by the masculine power
which activates my soul to dance
nourishing my passion
to manifest my truth
i feel the clarity and focus
which i've been dreaming of
the wheel turned my dreams into reality
the absolute undeniable truth
of the sun's magnificent power
reveals my inner most fantasies
leaving me naked
ready to take flight
to my soul's destination
home to the new nest which awaits me
ready to pursue the next challenge
i linger awhile before i fully leap
to savor this fruitful moment where
i can look back from where i came
out of the darkness
the seed has germinated and grown sturdy roots
there is a solid foundation of self
that i can connect with in times of doubt
this is the apex of my journey
where i am connecting with the sun
storing up its energy
soaking in the confidence, joy and power
which i will need in the darker days that inevitably come
as this beautiful dance between the sun and the moon
continues to flow
it is time to be led
during the summer solstice
by the masculine energy
i know it in my cells to surrender and receive
the nurturing love that is enveloping me
that desires so much to help me at this point in my journey
i can no longer covet my dreams keeping them anonymous
i am being found
rescued from the shadows of indecision and fear
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