Wednesday, September 15, 2010


racing to create
impatient can't wait
don't want to lose a minute
trying hard to not sweat it
but the clock is ticking
and nothing is sticking
what is it all about?
want to scream and shout
feeling kind of scared
all the things we've shared
looking for the meaning
and all the love comes streaming
my heart is open
willing to go deeper than i've ever been
feeling kind of nauseous
afraid of the raucous
that is stirring within
burning to begin
a new path
without the wrath
full of spiritual fulfillment
love , peace and enjoyment

Friday, September 3, 2010


one hundred years of history
melted one night
leaving a shell of memories

i saw her one rainy day
at her ugliest
an open wound

rotting calling my name
save me from decay
resurrect me from the fray

a romantic at heart
willing to make a fresh start
i fell under her spell

a restoration
is an understatement
advised to bulldoze

i couldn't do it
who was i to destroy
the history

so i took the long road
loved her so
saving every possible inch

fighting for her glory
loving every minute of it
even when we were off budget

now she is shining
on top of the riviera
overlooking the sea

smiling and dancing
waiting for new adventures
family tears and laughter

a new century
but still the same
heart beating

a phoenix has occurred
and i was a part of it
for that i am proud

Monday, August 30, 2010

Lose the ego

holding back the tears
facing my fears
trying to stay strong
for my children
not losing it
trying to keep it even
whilst wanting to escape
to some exotic place
where no one knows my face
holding the chalk board
wanting to erase
all the mess
how did we get into this
so deep
i can't keep making it pretty
my smile doesn't come naturally
i am only human
not a super hero
morale is less than zero
why don't you see the beauty
be grateful for the gifts
let go of the toys
and the bad boys
stop and smell the roses
focus on the love
leave behind your ego
and accept the loss
trust and have faith that God is full of grace
boats, cars, houses, jobs
are temporary
family is always and forever
health is a choice
letting go is the lesson
look around you and see
just how blessed you are
richer than any billionaire
the sun shines so brightly on you
but you are blind
stuck in the shadows of ego
i pray you will let it go
and finally be grateful for the journey
no one is free of pain
it is the dance that tempts us
but if we trust
then we shall grow and finally be free
dig deep inside your soul
look at your makers
and learn from their mistakes
have compassion and empathize
but don't be a martyr
be smarter
you can carve your own way
and teach your children
what you have learned
be a better man
i know you can

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Keep it Simple

staying sane in an insane world
seemingly impossible with all of the distractions and information flying at me
trying to keep it simple
too many choices
but i hear their voices whispering in my ear
telling me to keep it simple
materialism leads to vandalism
not appreciating the essence of life
sweet simplicity
ignites electricity
within the soul
inspiring me to be free
free from the choices
which lead to toxicity
spoiled self centered souls
preoccupied with possessions
leading to depression
sinking deep down to the bottom
without hope or faith that
tomorrow holds the key
and the sun will shine again
trusting that God and the universe
provide for all
if you believe that there is enough
there will be
so here is the key
hold it to your heart
and if you could only start to trust
without distractions and addictions clouding your mind
strip away the make up
and wake up to a new day
that awaits you

Sunday, June 20, 2010


a pause from reality
time to inhale the beauty of life
and exhale the toxins of day to day
fears disintegrate
sun shines all day
time to dream
and explore
reinvent yourself
change your path
discover your inner desires
shed the scabs and heal the wounds
just you and mother nature
the sea, sun, sand, crabs, mosquitos, candles
breezes, palm trees, coconuts......mangos
siestas.......margaritas..........wild horses
life is full of joy
and sorrow
but that can wait
till tomorrow
today I will Carpe Diem
taste the sweetness
the nectar of love
that surrounds us
run naked
without armour
no protection needed
only open hearts
are welcome on this island
no judgement
only acceptance
god bless all the creatures that live
infinity awaits our dreams
so throw your wishes into the ocean
and trust that they will manifest
when god thinks it best

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


coming out of hibernation
looking for some liberation
from the chains that bind me
wondering if you'll ever find me
dreaming under the glittering sky
of a life that is quickly passing me by
needing the warmth and love and affection
a partner strong who can provide protection
yet sensitive who will listen to my needs
balanced and secure enough to take my lead
my heart knows what it wants
my head tells me not to taunt
i'm a crab that likes to change its shell
but afraid to ring the bell
familiarity is my prison
the future has risen
calling my name
teasing me to play the game
what if i lose?
how can i choose?
god tells me to let go
and then i will know
and so i risk
eternal bliss

Saturday, February 13, 2010


i didn't know him
only heard about him through his father
the son of a rabbi
he was so proud of his twin sons
they both fought in the israeli military for three years
after high school, before going to college
they felt the need to fight for their beautiful land
for their people
together they escaped many near death experiences
bombs in buildings, cars, restaurants in which they were
about to enter
but by the grace of god they were unscathed
finally they finished their duties and were able to come
back home to the safety of their homeland
start up their new life to further their education
and on a normal day just walking across a street
one of them was hit by a car and instantly killed

explain to me how this happens
how can you be facing death on a daily basis
in a violent country and then suddenly
on a college campus at an ivy league school
crossing a street, you are killed?

this leaves me feeling dizzy and sick to my stomach
i didn't know him
but he could be my son
how could i go on after this?
how can you have the faith in god
and continue to believe in the goodness
in the world?
how could i ever trust to let my children out of my sight
my heart would be forever broken
no glue or surgery could ever fix it
there is nothing worse than to lose your children before you die

the more i live the more i see the fragility of life
no one is safe from tragedy
we will all experience some form of it
it scares me to think what awaits me
but the option is not to live
and that is a tragedy in itself
so we must forge ahead and continue
to seek the happiness and beauty in life
not to wait for the floor to fall out from underneath
but to push ourselves beyond our limits and fears
reach out and love one another
forgiving each other more than we do
not finding strength in other people's weaknesses

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

my daddy

my daddy
taught me about music
he always had it playing in our house
it was never quiet
sometimes it caused a riot
we were always loud
entertaining a crowd
he went to work in a suit
but came home and let loose
poured himself a drink
and in his chair he'd sink
pretending to direct
the most obedient musicians
he'd close his eyes and humm
to the strings the bass and drums
i'll never forget his passion
for tchaikovsky, beethoven and chopin
i would pretend i was a prima ballerina
and dance and prance to gain his attention
yearning for his affection
leaping in all directions
he gave me the strength to reach for the stars
even though some thought i was from mars
he believed in me
and so i was free
to travel far
lonely as a star
but always knowing
my home was warm and glowing
safe and secure for me to return
forever being adored
as his prima ballerina
i love my daddy
and even though he isn't perfect
i forgive his flaws
because in my heart i know
that he loves me so
and that is all that matters
in the end
he is my friend

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


i'm fuzzy today
not much to say
rain is pouring down
turning everything brown
feel like somethings missing
but i can't put my finger on it
just am having trouble motivating
you know the days when your jeans dont fit?
and you have difficulty focusing
i'm not in my skin
and i can't seem to win
want to crawl back into bed
and empty the thoughts from my head
start fresh tomorrow
and erase all the sorrow
no need to panic
things will get brighter
and then i will feel lighter

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Guiltily sitting in comfort appreciating the beauty and bounty that surrounds me. Wondering how and why our world is so disproportionate. Food being wasted in every home and restaurant, while people are living on the streets of our own perfect little town, waiting in the soup kitchen line. Children in far away lands starving their way to death while my son reaches for another bag of chips. Women purposefully starving themselves to fit into the latest "skinny" jeans which cost their weeks paycheck. While another woman suffers silently at home binging in the middle of the night stuffing her fears down deeper into her gut not feeling that she deserves the love that she craves.
I look through the latest fashion magazines and see anorexic beauty mentoring my teenage daughter. Catching her studying her thighs fearing they are too "flabby". Who can actually afford the clothing , handbags, impossibly treacherous stilletos, and rare jewels that they advertise? Who are these people that can actually live that dream of perfection? The starving socialites who bought the dream, while their wealthy banker husbands have affairs with the voluptuous nannies that they hired? I know that was harsh and cliche but it isn't too far from the truth. In this disgracefully imbalanced world that separates the "haves" from the "have nots" there is an old myth of perfection which we keep perpetuating. The obsessive compulsive magazine editors and unrealistic designers and stylists who believed the Cinderella story. Most of them come from nothing and have managed to claw their way to the "top" of the fashion world to feel their power and dominate the weak. I know because I was a model during my youth and I so deeply remember the insecurity and loneliness and lack of love which I felt in that world of "beauty".
Somehow the business is still able to draw in the beautiful youth because they are naive and the shimmer on the surface blinds you from the actual cold decay which lies beneath. And when you finally see it for what it really is, you are not the "right" vision of beauty anymore. Athletic healthy tall girls aren't in anymore, now it's all about "heroin chic". "The Cars" are out and now "Nirvana" rules.
Tyra Banks, a former model is now the symbol to our young girls of what it "takes" to be a model. I can't tell you how disappointed and ashamed I am of her. She is perpetuating the madness and the hypocrisy of that world. She is laughing her way to the bank, at the cost of these girls lives. Then she has a talk show ala "Oprah" to deal with the "real" issues which she contributed to in the first place. I don't know how she sleeps at night!
I pray for healing, humility, love and acceptance of what is natural beauty.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


A wish can change your life.....
dream, focus, meditate on what you want
who you want to be
how you want to feel
the difference you want to make
imprint your soul on the earth
find your perfume which is completely unique from any other being on earth
neroli, rose, jasmine, pine, eucalyptus, mandarin, patchouli, gardenia, amber, musk, ginger
burnt wood, vanilla........
commit to yourself and be authentic to your desires
don't doubt or fear anything
trust that you are where you are supposed to be
learning what you are meant to know
to enhance you on your journey to being what you envision
if it is a positive dream it will come true
because if you are fulfilled so shall the people that love you