i didn't know himonly heard about him through his father
the son of a rabbi
he was so proud of his twin sons
they both fought in the israeli military for three years
after high school, before going to college
they felt the need to fight for their beautiful land
for their people
together they escaped many near death experiences
bombs in buildings, cars, restaurants in which they were
about to enter
but by the grace of god they were unscathed
finally they finished their duties and were able to come
back home to the safety of their homeland
start up their new life to further their education
and on a normal day just walking across a street
one of them was hit by a car and instantly killed
explain to me how this happens
how can you be facing death on a daily basis
in a violent country and then suddenly
on a college campus at an ivy league school
crossing a street, you are killed?
this leaves me feeling dizzy and sick to my stomach
i didn't know him
but he could be my son
how could i go on after this?
how can you have the faith in god
and continue to believe in the goodness
in the world?
how could i ever trust to let my children out of my sight
my heart would be forever broken
no glue or surgery could ever fix it
there is nothing worse than to lose your children before you die
the more i live the more i see the fragility of life
no one is safe from tragedy
we will all experience some form of it
it scares me to think what awaits me
but the option is not to live
and that is a tragedy in itself
so we must forge ahead and continue
to seek the happiness and beauty in life
not to wait for the floor to fall out from underneath
but to push ourselves beyond our limits and fears
reach out and love one another
forgiving each other more than we do
not finding strength in other people's weaknesses